14:55 06.08.2020

Court of Appeal overturns judgment on seizure Poroshenko's collection of paintings

1 min read
Court of Appeal overturns judgment on seizure Poroshenko's collection of paintings

 Kyiv Court of Appeal overturned the judgment of Pechersky District Court of Kyiv on seizure of 42 paintings of fifth President of Ukraine, Leader of the European Solidarity Party Petro Poroshenko, under the investigation into the alleged illegal movement of art treasures across the state border.

The Register of Judgments states that the decision to cancel the seizure was issued on July 27, 2020.

"The appeal of lawyer Holovan must be redressed. The decision of the investigating judge of Pechersky District Court of Kyiv dated May 27, 2020, who seized property of 42 paintings and one lithograph, which are material evidence in criminal proceedings has to be cancelled and new decision, which to refuse in sustaining the prosecutor's motion for the seizure of property has to be made," Kyiv Court of Appeal said in its decision.

As reported, on May 26 The Ukrainian State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) has summoned fifth president of Ukraine and MP Petro Poroshenko for questioning as a witness in two criminal cases (illegal transfer of the collection of paintings across the state border and illegal use of the technical means of obtaining the information).