Govt expects to bring Ukraine to Top 50 Civil Justice States by end of 2023 – program of activities

The Cabinet of Ministers expects to bring Ukraine to Top 50 Civil Justice States in the Rule of Law Index rating by the end of 2023.
According to the updated program of the government's activities, the measures that the Justice Ministry will implement should bring Ukraine to the Top 50 countries in terms of Civil Justice in the Rule of Law Index rating by the end of 2023.
Moreover, the government is counting on Ukraine joining the Top 30 of the Doing Business rating in terms of Solvency Recovery Index, Enforcing Contracts, Registration of Enterprises and Property Registration.
Among other things, the implementation of the program of activities should lead to a reduction in criminal repeat offense to 10% (the percentage of the total number of convicts, who had an outstanding or unexpunged conviction at the time of the crime), as well as to an increase in the percentage of people who successfully underwent probation rehabilitation without isolation from society.