Zelensky calls on Ukrainians to know, respect, comply with Constitution, proposes flash mob, publish Constitution for children

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has called on Ukraine to know, and the main thing to respect and comply with the Constitution of Ukraine.
"Hello everyone! Dear Ukrainians, I congratulate us all on Constitution Day! Recently, at the Book Arsenal, journalists asked me: what do you think, what book should every Ukrainian read? The answer was obvious. This is the Constitution of Ukraine. I really want us love Constitution Day not only because it was another day off and you could go out of town for a barbecue. Therefore, let us promise to ourselves – to know our Constitution, and most importantly to comply with it and respect it," he said in his video message on the occasion of the Constitution Day of Ukraine, posted on his Facebook page on Friday.
Zelensky offered a flash mob to the whole country to record a short video and tell about one of the articles of the Constitution of Ukraine: "I will start with myself. An individual, his life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security shall be recognised in Ukraine as the highest social value. Article 3 of the Constitution of Ukraine. Join to our flash mob. The hashtag is #моя_улюблена_стаття. (my favorite article."
"Our deputies, by the way, may not take part, we already know their favorite article very well. This is article 80 on immunity. Just kidding, join everyone," the president added.
Zelensky also spoke about the initiative to create the "Constitution for the youngest" book. "For our future citizens. I think it is very cool to make a Constitution for children, which will be really interesting for them. Once again, congratulations on Constitution Day!" he said.