15:22 28.11.2018

Law on introduction of martial law, resolution on presidential elections published in e-version of Holos Ukrayiny

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Law on introduction of martial law, resolution on presidential elections published in e-version of Holos Ukrayiny

 A special edition of the Verkhovna Rada's official newspaper Holos Ukrainy, Issue No 226, featuring the full text of the presidential decree "On the Introduction of Martial Law in Ukraine" and the parliament's resolution "On Calling Regular Elections of the President of Ukraine" has been published on the paper's website on November 28.

Instead of Issue No 225 of November 28, a dual edition, No 225-226, has been published on the Holos Ukrayiny's website, which in fact is a previous issue, with a special edition added. The editors at Holos Ukrayiny have told Kyiv-based Interfax-Ukraine news agency that a print version will be published soon.