13:21 31.10.2018

MFA declares inadmissibility of Russia's intentions to take away property of Mejlis of Crimean Tatar people in Crimea

2 min read
MFA declares inadmissibility of Russia's intentions to take away property of Mejlis of Crimean Tatar people in Crimea

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine expresses a protest against yet another intensification of repressions by the Russian Federation against the citizens of Ukraine in the occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in its statement, posted by its press service on Tuesday, recalled that on October 27, Russian security forces broke into the meeting of the Crimean Solidarity organization and prevented its holding.

"The charges of lawyer Edem Semedlyaev, human rights activist Lilia Gemedgi and coordinator of the Crimean Solidarity Dilyar Memetov, in the violation of anti-terrorism and anti-extremist legislation are another attempt to intimidate. We are concerned over today's reports on new searches in the houses of the Crimean Tatars, which resulted in the detention of a representative of the Crimean Tatar community Dilyar Gafarov," the statement reads.

The Foreign Ministry of Ukraine once again draws attention of international partners that Russia's use of "antiterrorist legislation to persecute dissent and human rights activities in the occupied Ukrainian territories discredits the antiterrorist measures of the world community, of which Moscow is a party."

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine declares the inadmissibility of the intentions of the Russian occupation authorities to transfer the property of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people to the "Spiritual Direction of the Muslims of Crimea" managed by Moscow.

"This is a continuation of the targeted discriminatory policy of the occupation authorities towards the Crimean Tatars - the indigenous people of Crimea," the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said.

Kyiv demands from the Russian Federation to immediately stop the prosecution of activists and human rights defenders in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, to release all illegally detained citizens of Ukraine and to resume the activities of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people.

The Foreign Ministry insists that the Russian Federation should fully comply with the requirements of the resolutions of the UN General Assembly, as well as the order of the UN International Court of Justice on measures within the framework of the claim of Ukraine against the Russian Federation on the application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.