PGO to verify legality of lifting of freeze from accounts linked with Yanukovych's son

The Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office (PGO) has said that it is considering including respective information in the single register of pretrial investigations to verify the legality of the ruling by an investigative judge of the Pechersky District Court of Kyiv who lifted the freeze from the accounts of seven legal entities linked with Oleksandr Yanukovych, a son of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.
"In connection with the spread in the media of information on the lifting of freeze from funds on the accounts of legal entities that were opened in PJSC VBR, which, according to the investigation, are connected with Oleksandr Yanukovych, we inform you that on February 14, 2013, an investigative judge of the Pechersky District Court in Kyiv groundlessly canceled the arrest imposed on the accounts of seven legal entities," the PGO's press service reported on Tuesday, April 24.
At the same time, the PGO said that the adoption of this decision by the investigative judge became known only in April this year, after the abovementioned decision came to the main investigation department of the National Police of Ukraine, and it did not come at all to the Prosecutor General's Office.
"Currently, the PGO, due to the cancellation on February 14, 2018 by the investigative judge of the Pechersky District Court of Kyiv of arrest from the accounts of Tipikon A Ltd, VBR-Invest Ltd, Lightroom Ltd, Kvardis N Ltd, Vektor Perspekryva Ltd, Aranit K Ltd, Di Souz Ltd, is considering including respective information in the single register of pretrial investigations to verify the legality of this court decision on the grounds of a criminal offense under Article 375 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (a judge's making a knowingly unjust verdict, decision, ruling or resolution)," the report says.