Drying forest areas 6.5% up in H1 2017 – forest agency

The drying forest areas under control of the State Forest Agency was 331,300 ha in January-June 2017, which is 6.5% more than a year ago.
"Changes in climate and high temperatures during the vegetation period in the past years, man-made burden, sharp fluctuations of ground waters, other biotic and abiotic factors influenced the forests on the most part of Ukraine," the press service of the agency reported.
The press service said that pine trees dried most of all over the period (almost 142,000 ha), as well as fir trees (almost 26,000 ha) and oaks (almost 100,000 ha).
According to the report, in the forests which are not under supervision of the agency forest protection measures are almost not taken, which resulted in accumulation of infestants and diseases. They are spreading in the forests managed by the agency as well.
In 2016, the drying forest areas totaled 353,400 ha, breaking a record since 2009.