21:11 15.05.2017

Kyiv insists on immediate approval of lists of prisoners, specification of date of their release

1 min read
Kyiv insists on immediate approval of lists of prisoners, specification of date of their release

Ukraine insists on immediate approval of the lists of people who have committed crimes in Donbas, but who could be pardoned for the release of Ukrainian hostages, and also on the specification of the date of the people's release, Darka Olifer, press officer for Leonid Kuchma, former president of Ukraine, who represents Ukraine in the trilateral contact group, said.

"Ukraine said that the process of verification of persons whose rights have been procedurally limited has been completed. We also insist on the immediate approval of the lists and specification of the date of the people's release," she said on Facebook following the meeting of the contact group in Minsk on Monday.