12:43 22.03.2017

Ukraine to file additional materials with ECHR to attach to first violations complaint on Crimean annexation

1 min read
Ukraine to file additional materials with ECHR to attach to first violations complaint on Crimean annexation

Ukraine in the near future will submit additional materials to the first complaint to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) on human rights violations in connection with the annexation of Crimea, government commissioner for ECHR Ivan Lischyna has said.

"We are approaching the finish line with the submission of materials on the case of Ukraine vs. Russia for human rights violations during the annexation (of Crimea)," he said at a roundtable in Kyiv on Wednesday.

Lischyna specified that these are additional explanations to the first complaint.

As reported, Ukraine filed five lawsuits against Russia to the ECHR regarding the events in Crimea and eastern Ukraine. The Ministry of Justice announced the filing of the sixth complaint to the ECHR concerning violations of human rights during the events in Donbas and Crimea in 2015-2016.