MP Taruta ready to file lawsuit against president if he refuses to dismiss NBU head Gontareva

Today there are legal grounds to dismiss Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) Valeriya Gontareva, MP (not a member of any parliamentary faction) Serhiy Taruta has said.
He said that if Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko does not submit a proposal to dismiss Gontareva from the post to parliament, the head of state could be held administratively liable.
"The conflict of interests of the NBU head is the direct-effect provision of legislation requiring that the president initiates dismissal of Gontareva. If the president does not do this, I would have to come to court to hold him administratively liable," Taruta told reporters in parliament.
He said that an ad hoc commission to investigate actions of Gontareva on the post of the NBU head should be created and the facts of corruption presented by MP Oleksandr Onyschenko should be checked.