15:35 06.05.2016

Kuchma: No progress on security issues, yet step forward made in humanitarian aspect

1 min read
Kuchma: No progress on security issues, yet step forward made in humanitarian aspect

Ukrainian representative to the Trilateral Contact Group, second Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma, has declared progress in the humanitarian and economic aspects of the Donbas settlement process at the Minsk negotiations.

"There is some progress, as we are dealing with humanitarian and economic issues, in addition to political and security matters. The work is being done in those areas, at least, a ministry has been established to deal with Crimea, and there is a ministry for ATO... So, progress has been made on these issues," Kuchma said at a press briefing in Kyiv, on Friday, answering an Interfax question.

Regretfully, there is no progress on other issues, those political and security, the former Ukrainian president said.

"The 'Normandy Four' will meet again on [May] 11, let us hope... But we can see that every time they meet they never issue a joint statement," he said.

Kuchma said he was hoping for, at least, some political agreements between the sides, as powers of the Trilateral Contact Group were much smaller.