LIOU, German Embassy publish revised list of insurers for tourism in EU/Schengen zone
The League of Insurance Organizations of Ukraine (LIOU), jointly with the German Embassy to Ukraine which is the coordinator of relations between consulates and visa centers of the EU/Schengen zone states and representatives of the insurance market pursuant to Article 48 of the EU Visa Code, has published a list of Ukrainian insurance companies that can insure tourists travelling to the EU/Schengen zone.
The league said in a press release that the updated list includes 108 companies-members of LIOU, other associations of the insurance market, international financial groups, and unaffiliated companies.
As reported, at a joint meeting of its board and presidium on June 24, 2015, the LIOU approved the procedure for retaining the list of Ukrainian insurance companies that can insurer tourists travelling to the EU/Schengen zone.
The procedure took effect on July 1, 2015 and applies to insurance companies-members of LIOU only.