18:50 29.07.2015

Neither Yanukovych himself nor Russia confirm his whereabouts – PGO

1 min read

Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine (PGO) hasn't received confirmed from former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych himself or Russia about the whereabouts of the former president.

"If a person is in the territory of other states, then procedures are being carried out to identify a person and documents, which confirm this is the very person requested for, are collected. Afterwards a motion on international legal assistance to the given states is sent. In this case we have no confirmation either from Yanukovych himself, or Russia, that he is in a definite place, that he was identified, or that he was detained and investigation could be carried against him. So to say we have no replies," chief of the PGO special investigations department Serhiy Horbatiuk said at a briefing in Kyiv.