Rada votes to send President's bill of decentralization-related amendments to Constitutional Court

The Verkhovna Rada on Thursday has voted to send the president's bill on amending the Constitution to the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.
A total of 288 MPs voted in favor of the decision.
The Verkhovna Rada voted to send the bill to the Constitutional Court to ensure that it corresponds with current laws, in particular Articles 157 and 158 of the current Constitution.
According to Verkhovna Rada's procedure, after the bill is added to the agenda, MPs will adopt a resolution to send it to the Constitutional Court of Ukraine to receive conclusions on the bill's correspondence with the Constitution of Ukraine.
The conclusion is urgently distributed among MPs and sent to the president.
Afterwards, the parliament approves the bill at first reading with 226 votes being required for the bill to pass. A total of 300 MPs must vote in favor at the next session for the bill to be adopted completely.