Rada allows businesspeople with annual income of up to UAH 1 mln to not use cash registers

The Verkhovna Rada, the Ukrainian parliament, has revoked the mandatory use of cash registers for businesspeople with an annual income of up to UAH 1 million.
A total of 248 lawmakers supported the draft law on amendments to the law on the use of cash registers in trade, catering and services, regarding state guarantees for businesspeople using cash registers.
The mandatory introduction of cash registers for businesspeople of second and third groups income of which does not exceed UAH 1 million has been scrapped.
Head of the parliamentary committee for tax and customs policies Nina Yuzhanina said while presenting the document that if income exceeds UAH 1 million during a calendar year, the use of cash registers starts from the first day of the month of the quarter that follows the day when the limit was exceeded, and continues in the next tax periods while the simplified tax payer certificate is in effect. She said this concerns all groups of simplified tax payers, not only the second group which annual income is restricted by UAH 1.5 million.
Yuzhanina said, referring to the State Fiscal Service, that the average volume of declared income by the second group businesspeople (600,000) was UAH 720,000 for 2014, and the major part of them will be exempted from using cash registers.
Among the other changes is the cancelation of some requirements on fines that aroused sharp protests among businesspeople.
"Businesspeople are exempted from storing fiscal receipts in the book and control tapes for three years," the lawmaker said.
Under a request of Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko lawmakers ordered the Cabinet of Ministers and the State Fiscal Service to draw up a procedure for checking private businesspeople that would ascertain whether they had exceeded the UAH 1 million limit by September 1, 2015.