09:51 30.03.2015

Inquiry started into alleged corrupt schemes within Ukrainian Cabinet

2 min read
Inquiry started into alleged corrupt schemes within Ukrainian Cabinet

An inquiry will be launched within a month into alleged corrupt schemes in the Ukrainian Cabinet following claims made by dismissed chief of the State Financial Inspectorate Mykola Hordiyenko.

"In inquiry is underway. I was given four weeks to check the facts," Pavlo Zhebriyevsky, deputy head of the Main Department of the Prosecutor General's Office and head of the Department for Investigating Corruption Crimes, said on Channel Five on Sunday evening.

Hordiyenko earlier said that the government, led by Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk, engaged in corrupt practices. "The results of the checks on state companies indicate that the Yanukovych and Azarov government's systemic corruption was not done away with after Revolution of Dignity. It has only changed leadership, becoming an integral part of the new government. Ukraine's corrupt schemes are currently run by the government, led by Yatseniuk," he said on Schuster Live program on March 20.

Hordiyenko named the companies involved and cited the ensuing state losses.

Yatseniuk in turn urged the Prosecutor General's Office to launch an inquiry into the allegations.

"I have urged the prosecutor general today to start an inquiry into the allegations made by the dismissed chief of the State Financial Inspectorate, on all points of the claims against the government," he told the Cabinet on March 23.

Hordiyenko was dismissed and a government commission is investigating his activities during his tenure as chief financial inspector. Cabinet spokesperson Hanna Onyschenko said at a press briefing on March 27 that the inquiry had uncovered ample evidence of the inspectorate's ineffective work and that the investigative commission had urged Yatseniuk to extend its work until April 4 2015.