14:51 06.12.2014

Dutch government reports 292 out of 298 victims of MH17 flight disaster indentified

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Dutch government reports 292 out of 298 victims of MH17 flight disaster indentified

Today a total of 292 victims of the Malaysian airliner Boeing 777-200 disaster have been identified, reads a report on the website of the Dutch government.

Three more victims of the MH17 plane crash have been identified this week, one Dutch and two persons of other nationalities. This means 292 passengers of MH17 flight have now been identified, reads the report published on Friday, December 5.

Under a request of the embassies the citizenship of the two indentified persons is not disclosed.

"Families of the victims have been informed," reads the report.

All identifications of the victims have been based on tooth status, fingerprints or DNA.

Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 routed from Amsterdam (the Netherlands) to Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) crashed in the Donetsk region on July 17. The crash killed all 298 people onboard, among them 196 citizens of the Netherlands, 44 Malaysian nationals, among them 15 crewmembers, 27 citizens of Australia, and citizens of Indonesia, Germany, Belgium, the Philippines, the United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand.