08:14 06.11.2013

Ukraine initiates proceedings in WTO on protection of national confectioners' interests

2 min read
Ukraine initiates proceedings in WTO on protection of national confectioners' interests

Ukraine has appealed to the World Trade Organization (WTO) with a request to consider the problem with the protection of national confectioners' interests, Ukrainian Economic Development and Trade Minister Ihor Prasolov has said.

"As for the WTO, we are already carrying out relevant proceedings in the WTO on the issue [Roshen Corporation's appeal to the Economic Development and Trade Ministry for protection of its interests]. Our representative has made the issue public and they know about it in Geneva. And now we are preparing for taking next steps. Certainly, it will be a long-lasting process, as they have very serious procedures – consultations and so on. Of course we've taken necessary steps on behalf of Ukraine in the WTO in order to protect interests. As long as we cannot protect interests of a specific producer, we have to tackle the issue as a problem of our confectionary industry," Prasolov told journalists in Kyiv on Tuesday.

Late last month, Roshen asked the Economic Development and Trade Ministry to initiate a WTO inquiry into the ban.

In July 2013, Russia's Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-Being Surveillance (Rospotrebnadzor), a sanitary watchdog, suspended imports of chocolates made at four Roshen factories because of their allegedly inadequate quality.