13:02 11.01.2013

Ukrainians infected with tuberculosis to be hospitalized under court rulings

2 min read
Ukrainians infected with tuberculosis to be hospitalized under court rulings

Ukrainians infected with tuberculosis will now be forcibly hospitalized under court rulings.

Such an order was determined by government resolution No. 3-r of January 3, 2013 introducing amendments to Cabinet of Ministers resolution No. 1285 of October 29, 2009, which was drafted to bring the current regulations into line with the new provisions of the Ukrainian law on the fight against tuberculosis, the Health Ministry's press service reported on Thursday.

Article 11 of the new law envisages that if patients with severe types of tuberculosis infection, including those undergoing outpatient or inpatient treatment, violate the anti-epidemic regime, which could result in the infection of other persons with tuberculosis, then, under court rulings, they could be forcibly hospitalized to anti-tuberculosis institutions that have the necessary departments (wards) to accommodate such patients.

A statement on the compulsory hospitalization or on extending the term of the hospitalization of patients is submitted to court by representatives of anti-TB institutions treating such patients within 24 hours of the detected violation by the patients of the anti-epidemic regime.

The statement is submitted along with a motivated conclusion by the doctor who performs or should perform the treatment of these patients.

The law on the compulsory hospitalization of TB patients was signed by Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in April 2012.