18:20 08.01.2013

Swine flu epidemic does not threaten Ukrainians, experts say

1 min read

Epidemiologists have said that swine flu could return to Ukraine, but there is no threat of an epidemic in the country and there is nothing to worry about, the press service of Kyiv City State Administration has reported.

According to the GromashevskyInstitute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, a new epidemiological season 2012-2013 predicts the joint circulation of an H3N2-like virus, in particular the new A-like virus (Victoria) and a new-to-Ukraine B-like virus (Wisconsin).

According to medical experts, people suffering from chronic diseases, people over 60 years old in nursing houses, and pregnant women should be especially careful in this period.

To avoid catching the diseases, the doctors advise people to take up sports, condition oneself to the cold, drop harmful habits and improve their diet.

The medics also said vaccination is a very effective way to avoid the flu.