17:05 28.11.2012

Makeyenko: 'There have never been so many applications from MPs for housing in Kyiv'

2 min read

About 180 newly elected MPs have submitted statements on their accommodation in Kyiv, the head of the current parliament's committee on the rules of procedure, Volodymyr Makeyenko, a Regions Party representative in the preparatory group on organizing the work of the new parliament, has said.

"It's necessary to talk to each [MP] individually, because those who are not registered in Kyiv and don't have an apartment in Kyiv really have such a legal right. But when you look at the studies of sociologists and how much money was spent in constituencies, you feel that a person can solve all of the problems on his own, but he writes a statement for some reason," he said.

"About 180 MPs have to be accommodated. In my opinion, our hotel can accommodate only 85... It's necessary for the working group to start working and that the subgroup dealing with accommodation clearly sees and knows how many MPs [want to get housing], who exactly, and what opportunities we have," Makeyenko said.

At the same time, he noted that a lot of MPs had asked for assistance in accommodation.

"Such an influx of applications has never been seen before," Makeyenko said.

The MP said that this was due to the fact that many new MPs had been elected in the regions and had not lived in Kyiv.