09:16 23.11.2012

Crimea to create integrated emergency medical aid system

2 min read

An integrated regional operative-dispatch service of emergency medical aid is to be created in Crimea in 2013.

s the main information policy department at the Crimean Council of Ministers reported, Deputy Chairman of Crimean Council of Ministers Heorhiy Psariov said this during a conference at the Crimean Health Center in Simferopol on Wednesday.

According to the deputy chairman, five existing emergency medical aid stations will remain, and two new ones will be set up.

They will service the population of several administrative-territorial units, and the system of allocating ambulance brigades to each region will be liquidated.

"Ambulance brigades will service all citizens of Crimea no matter where there are borders of towns and regions. Patients will be delivered to the nearest medical establishment where they can get the necessary aid," Psariov said.

He also said that the introduction of this system would considerably raise the quality of the medical aid given to Crimean citizens, as well as guarantee well-timed medical aid is given before reaching the hospital, and directly in the hospital.

In turn, Crimean Health Minister Oleksandr Kanevsky reported during the meeting that modern GPS-technologies would be used in the work of the regional services.

The second stage of an audit of healthcare establishments that will be included in the system of emergency medical aid is now being conducted in Crimea.