16:12 18.10.2012

Lytvyn: Factions already fighting for speaker's post

1 min read
Lytvyn: Factions already fighting for speaker's post

Some political groups are already fighting for the post of speaker in the new parliament, Verkhovna Rada Chairman Volodymyr Lytvyn has said.

"I will not be revealing a big secret if I tell you that groups, future factions, are now fighting for the post of chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine," he told journalists on Thursday, while commenting on the intention of MPs to amend the parliament's rules of procedure on the open, rather than hidden, with ballots, election of the speaker.

Lytvyn noted that nothing extraordinary had happened after the adoption of a respective bill at first reading, since the Constitutional Court had already made a decision on this issue.

"As we know, Ukraine's Constitutional Court is most constitutional in the world, and we need to implement the decisions of the Constitutional Court, whether someone likes them or not," he said.