14:31 11.10.2012

ENEMO notes increase in number of cases of use of government apparatus during election campaign in Ukraine

1 min read

ENEMO mission observers have noted an increase in the number of cases of the abuse of government apparatus during the election campaign in Ukraine.

"According to our observers, local authorities, in some cases, are attempting to limit the political activities of candidates who will be running. And the political struggle at the level of various parties participating in the elections is also strengthening. In addition, there is a great use of the government apparatus in order to achieve their results, as well as political bribery," the coordinator of the mission's long-term observers, Elmir Camic said at a press conference in Kyiv on Thursday.

In particular, he said cases of bribery were being recorded in universities, schools and even kindergartens.

The head of the mission, Peter Novotny, said that ENEMO observers would disclose preliminary election results the day after the elections. Observers usually present a final report a month after the elections, he added.