URCS Psychosocial Support Center opened in Zhytomyr

The Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) Psychosocial Support Center opened in Zhytomyr.
“This space was created within the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support direction under the project Comprehensive Provision of Trauma-Informed Services in the Field of Mental Health, Psychosocial Support and Rehabilitation, implemented with the financial support of the Danish Red Cross,” the URCS reported on Facebook on Friday.
The center will host events aimed at strengthening the mental health of citizens, preventing mental disorders, and supporting the well-being of both individuals and entire families. Adults and children will be able to attend classes with creative elements, family activities and psychoeducational sessions that will help better understand how to cope with stress.
The grand opening of the center was attended by representatives of the authorities, the National Committee of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society, donors and project partners, who supported the initiative and emphasized the importance of developing psychosocial support in Ukraine.