16:28 04.01.2024

Polish Agriculture Minister: Embargo on Ukrainian products is indefinite, borders will not be opened

1 min read
Polish Agriculture Minister: Embargo on Ukrainian products is indefinite, borders will not be opened

The Polish-Ukrainian border will not be opened for Ukrainian goods, the embargo on the export of these products will be indefinite – until it is lifted, Agriculture and Rural Development Minister of Poland Czesław Siekierski has said at a press conference following a meeting with the representatives of the Polish Association of Trade Unions of Farmers and Agricultural Organizations on Thursday.

"The borders will not be opened, the embargo on Ukrainian products is indefinite – until it is lifted. I support the demands of Rolnicza 12, which, however, should be streamlined with the current legislation in Poland, including the EU law," the Ministry for Agriculture and Rural Development of Poland quoted the minister as saying on X Social Network.

The official noted the importance of talks with the protesting farmers for working out better solutions.

"However, legal sanctioning of all demands takes time. There is no reason to believe that what I promised will not be implemented," Siekierski said.

As reported, on January 4, the farmers representing the Deceived Subcarpathian Village organization resumed the protest and blocked the movement of trucks across the Medyka-Shehyni checkpoint.