13:51 03.01.2024

Ukraine's energy system remains balanced despite Russian missile strikes – Shmyhal

1 min read
Ukraine's energy system remains balanced despite Russian missile strikes – Shmyhal

Despite the fact that the latest Russian missile strike caused damage to energy facilities in Kyiv region, the defeat is not critical. The Ukrainian energy sector is once again standing the test of strength, said Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal.

"The power system remains balanced, there is no shortage of power, and scheduled outages are not applied. Electricity supply in Kyiv region has been resumed for all families," Shmyhal said at a government meeting on Wednesday.

He also noted that the authorities will make every effort to ensure that the victims of the Russian attacks have the opportunity to repair their homes, and if necessary, purchase a new one.

"There are effective tools for this. In particular, the e-Recovery (e-Vidnovlennia) program," the Prime Minister recalled.

He pointed out that the state paid UAH 2.2 billion to citizens for housing repairs last year.

"Now the possibility of using housing certificates for the purchase of real estate is open. This is an option for people whose apartments have been completely destroyed. This year, Ukrainians will also be able to receive funds for repairs that they have already done before," he added.