Govt introduces state regulation of prices for long loaf, sunflower oil, limits markup for them to 10%

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has included a long loaf, and sunflower oil in the list of food products, the rise in price of which must be declared in advance by business entities selling them, and also prohibited setting a markup for rye-wheat bread and long loaf in excess of 10%.
The government decision is contained in government resolution No. 1432 dated December 30, 2021.
"The list of goods of large social significance approved by government resolution No. 341 dated April 22, 2020 shall be supplemented with paragraphs as follows: Long Loaf and Sunflower Oil," the government said in the resolution.
In addition, the highest retail markup for rye-wheat bread and long loaf is set at no more than 10% of the wholesale selling price, taking into account advertising, marketing, logistics services, preparation, processing, packaging, and other services related to the sale to the end consumer.
This regulation is introduced for the period of quarantine caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to current government resolution No. 341 dated April 22, 2020, goods that have large social significance are subject to mandatory declaring of food price increases. These include buckwheat groats, granulated sugar, wheat flour of the highest grade and noodles from it, pasteurized milk with a fat content of 2.5%, rye-wheat bread, chicken eggs of the C1 category, chicken carcass, still mineral water and butter with a fat content of 72.5 %
A business entity is obliged to notify the State Service on Food Safety and Consumer Protection about an increase in the price of these food products by more than 15% 30 days before the start of the application of the new price, 14 days with an increase by 10-15% and 3 days with an increase by 5-10%.