16:09 30.12.2021

Debt to RES generation for 2021 may be included in Ukrenergo transmission tariff – Guaranteed Buyer head

2 min read
Debt to RES generation for 2021 may be included in Ukrenergo transmission tariff – Guaranteed Buyer head

The debt to producers of electricity from renewable sources for 2021 may be included in the tariff of Ukrenergo for transmission of electricity, the acting director of Guaranteed Buyer, Andriy Pylypenko, said.

"There is no other source of receipt of funds than the company tariff. We will not take them from anywhere. And we and Ukrenergo understand this. And we will insist that a full figure be agreed to cover all costs," Pylypenko said in an interview with the online portal Reform.Energy.

He noted that so far Ukrenergo has not signed a single act for 2021, arguing that 20% of the cost of paying for "green" electricity is not included in the company's transmission tariff, since they must come from the state budget.

"But they are not in the budget, and as we know, in the budget for 2022 the effect of this norm has been stopped. And we still have to agree on our positions and sign these acts at some point. Obviously, the arbiter in this matter should be the regulator (the NEURC)," the expert said, adding that this is a matter for the next year.

At the same time, he added that 20% of the costs for green electricity for 2022, which are now also not included in the tariff, are likely to be included in it. At the same time, in his opinion, the volume of the tariff increase can be extended over several years in order to avoid a sharp load on it.

Pylypenko has not yet indicated the amount of Guaranteed Buyer's debts to RES generation based on the results of 2021.

"We have our own calculations, Ukrenergo- its own. They believe that they owe less. It is impossible to say which of us is right. It is really necessary for the regulator to clarify the situation and approve," he stressed.