14:17 15.02.2021

Gazprom books extra transit capacities through Ukraine for March at same volume as for Feb

1 min read
Gazprom books extra transit capacities through Ukraine for March at same volume as for Feb

Gazprom s booking extra capacities for gas transit through Ukraine for March at the same additional reservation volume as for February, according to the results of the monthly Regional Booking Platform (RBP) auction.

Gazprom has a long-term reservation of Ukrainian capacities in the volume of 40 billion cubic meters for 2021, which is equal to 110 million cubic meters per day.

The Russian gas company booked extra transit capacities for March via RBP on Monday. It requested 14.2 mcm per day of the offered 15 mcm per day. The auction result was the same for February.

From February 1 to 13, Gazprom pumped an average of 119.1 mcm per day through Ukraine, with a minimum amount of 115.4 mcm and a maximum of 121 mcm.

In January 2021, the company transported 124.51 mcm per day on average through Ukraine, and in December - 182.63 mcm per day.