Finance Ministry estimates payments on Ukraine's public debt in Q1 2021 at UAH 146 bln

The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine last month revised upwards the forecast of public debt payments in January-March 2021 by UAH 7.25 billion, to UAH 146.1 billion, and in April-June – by UAH 0.77 billion, to UAH 166.47 billion.
According to the data on the website of the Ministry of Finance, as before, the peak periods of payments on public debt in 2021 will be in the second and third quarters.
In July-September 2021, they are estimated at UAH 166.44 billion, in October-December – at UAH 118.46 billion, according to the Ministry of Finance.
The ministry said that the projected payments on domestic debt in the first quarter are UAH 8.17 billion lower than a month ago and amount to UAH 113.5 billion, and the updated estimate of payments for the second quarter were increased by UAH 1 billion, to UAH 140.78 billion.
Projected payments on external debt for the first quarter of 2021 were reduced by almost UAH 1 billion to UAH 32.6 billion, while for the second quarter they remained at UAH 25.7 billion.
According to the ministry's website, in general, in 2021, payments on public debt would amount to UAH 597.47 billion, in 2022 – UAH 283.86 billion.
According to the Ministry of Finance, the total public debt of Ukraine in December 2020 expanded by 7.15% in U.S. dollars, to $90.26 billion and 6.41% in hryvnias, to UAH 2.551 trillion.