14:29 27.07.2020

Energy ministry backs electricity exports, opposes electricity import in 2020-2021

2 min read
Energy ministry backs electricity exports, opposes electricity import in 2020-2021

The Energy Ministry of Ukraine backs the increase in electricity exports and opposes its imports to Ukraine, acting Energy Minister Olha Buslavets has said.

"The Energy Ministry is in favor of increasing the export of electricity in all directions, depending on the market situation, but we are against importing it into our country, because, according to our calculations, we do not see the need for import in 2020-2021," Buslavets said at a briefing in Kyiv on Monday.

"We have enough generation capacities to meet domestic needs and have export opportunities," she added.

At the same time, she focused on the initiative of the ministry to temporarily restrict imports from the Russian Federation and Belarus in legislation (government bill No. 3657).

At the same time, Buslavets noted the negative consequences of electricity imports from the Russian Federation and Belarus in the context of synchronizing the Ukrainian power system with ENTSO-E.

"Any talk about imports from these countries will undermine our further full technical synchronization with ENTSO-E, weaken our generation and make it impossible to fulfill our plans. And we must work strategically," the acting minister said.

At the same time, she noted the export of electricity by National Nuclear Generating Company Energoatom to Belarus as a positive start.

At the same time, she announced an increase in the share of nuclear electricity in the balance of power as the consumption grows.

"After we see an increase in electricity consumption, we will first of all load our nuclear plants, which is the cheapest in cost," Buslavets said.