Minimum wage in Ukraine in dollar/euro terms higher than in Russia

For the first time over the years of Ukraine's independence the minimum wage in the country expressed in dollars and euros is higher than in Russia and Belarus, Deputy Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture Minister of Ukraine Serhiy Mykolaichuk wrote on Facebook.
"For the first time over many years the minimum wage in Ukraine exceeds respective indices in Russia and Belarus. From January 1, the minimum wage in Ukraine rose to UAH 4,723, or $199 according to the exchange rate as of the beginning of the year," he said.
Thus, from January 1, 2020, the minimum wage in Ukraine is UAH 4,723 and in Russia – RUB 12,130, which is $199.4 and $195.9, according to the official rates of the National Bank of Ukraine and the Central Bank of Russia, respectively.
The minimum wage in Belarus from January 1, 2020 is BYN 375, or $177.74, which is $22 less than in Ukraine.
In terms of euro, the minimum wage in Ukraine is EUR 178.75, in Russia – EUR 174.84, in Belarus – EUR 159.29.