EBA asking to introduce new national standard for wheat in June

The European Business Association (EBA) has called on profile ministries to move the introduction of the new national standard for the quality of wheat from August to early June (the start of the harvesting campaign).
According to the EBA, the new standard comes into force on August 1, 2019. At the same time, the wheat harvest campaign starts in June. Changing standards during harvesting "will lead to significant complications and misunderstandings in the reception, placement, shipment and accounting of grain at grain enterprises, as well as complicate international trade," the association said.
In this regard, the EBA urged the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food and the state-owned enterprise Ukrainian Agency of Standardization to introduce the new standard in June. The association also said that it is important to prepare explanations for determining the class of wheat of previous harvests according to the new standard in order to avoid confusion and misunderstandings.
According to the EBA, the new standard will reduce the number of wheat classes from 6 to 4 (three bread wheat grades and one forage wheat grade) and change the methodology for determining the quality of grain. According to the EBA, these changes will be positive for the grain harvesting and storage industry.