12:41 19.11.2018

Number of Internet users in Ukraine continues falling in Q1 2018

2 min read
Number of Internet users in Ukraine continues falling in Q1 2018

The penetration of regular Internet users in Ukraine as of late Q3 2018 fell to 20.8 million (63%) from 21.35 million in Q2 2018, the Ukrainian Internet Association (UIA) has reported on its website, referring to a study conducted by Factum Group Ukraine.

The figure fell by 2 percentage points from a year ago.

According to the study, 65% of Ukrainians have Internet at home (21.3 million households), which is 4% less than in Q2 2018 (21.9 million).

Some 49% active Internet users live in cities with population of over 100,000 residents (69% of all residents of this type of the cities). Some 21% regular Internet users live in towns with population less than 100,000 (62% of residents) and 30% in rural areas (56% of rural residents regularly use Internet).

Ukrainians aged from 15 to 24 are the most active in Internet – among them the share of Internet users is 95%, and the share of people using Internet aged from 25 to 34 is 92%, while it is 14% for users elder 65 years. The share of women of the total number of Internet users is 52%.

Some 40% of Ukrainian Internet users have average income and 40% have income lower than an average one. Some 38% users have high or specialized secondary education and 32% - full higher education.

The share of users that use only mobile devices for connecting to Internet was 32% in Q3 2018 (almost twice more than a year ago).

The UIA association also said that according to the study of the Internet audience of Ukraine for October 2018, the top five most popular domains browsed by Ukrainian users was Google, Youtube, Facebook, Ukr.Net ad Russia's VKontakter blocked in Ukraine. Average daily share of visitors in October for Google domains was 66%, and the monthly share was 84%. For Youtube it is 43% and 73%, for Facebook – 32% and 55% respectively.

The study did not cover Crimea occupied by Russia and non-government controlled areas of Luhansk and Donetsk regions.

The study was conducted under the UIA initiative.