15:36 23.07.2018

Cabinet strikes out Ukrtorf, Elektronmash, Kyiv Radio Plant from strategic assets list

1 min read
Cabinet strikes out Ukrtorf, Elektronmash, Kyiv Radio Plant from strategic assets list

Ukraine's government has excluded state-run peat producer Ukrtorf, manufacturer of off-road special vehicles PJSC Elektronmash and PJSC Kyiv Radio Plant from the list of strategic state-owned assets.

Respective Cabinet resolution No. 555 dated February 21 was published in the government's Uriadovy Kurier newspaper on July 21.

At the same time, the list was expanded with the state enterprise "Research and Design Shipbuilding Center," the Interior Ministry's budget-sustained Science Industrial Association "FORT," which produces small arms, special equipment and ammunition, as well as the budget-sustained special communications enterprise Ukrspetszvyazok.

In addition, five scientific assets and six geological exploration enterprises were added to the list, among them are the state enterprise "Pivdenukrgeology", the Prichornomorske State Regional Geological Enterprise (PGRGP), the Ukrainian State Geological Prospecting Institute (UKRDGRI), the State Geophysical Enterprise "Ukrgeofizika," the state enterprise "State Information Geological Fund of Ukraine" (Geoinf), and State Enterprise "Ukrainian Geological Company" (Ukrgeol).

As was reported, the government of Ukraine early in March 2015 issued resolution No. 83 to shorten the strategic assets list from 395 to 309 enterprises. After this, the list saw only one minor change in June 2016 when the name of one enterprise was updated.