14:11 25.06.2018

Ukraine raises gas stocks in UGS by 45%

1 min read
Ukraine raises gas stocks in UGS by 45%

Ukraine has raised natural gas reserves in its underground storage facilities (UGS) by 3.362 billion cubic meters after the end of the heating season, PJSC Ukrtransgaz has said.

Thus, from April 8 to June 23 gas reserves in storage facilities grew by 45.2%, to 10.797 billion cubic meters from 7.435 billion cubic meters.

According to Interfax-Ukraine's estimates, gas stocks on June 1-23 expanded by 1.231 billion cubic meters (53.54 million cubic meters per day), in May by 1.632 billion cubic meters (52.65 million cubic meters per day), April 9-30 by 500.84 million cubic meters (22.77 million cubic meters per day).

If the existing volumes of imports and current domestic production are preserved, the country will have about 11.2 billion cubic meters of reserves in storage facilities in July.

Ukrtransgaz, 100% owned by NJSC Naftogaz Ukrainy, operates the system of trunk gas pipelines and 12 underground gas storage facilities of the country with a total capacity of 31 billion cubic meters.