Inflation in Ukraine in July slows down to 0.2%, in annual terms stands at 15.9%

Inflation in Ukraine in July 2017 slowed down to 0.2% from 1.6% in June, 1.3% in May and 0.9% in April, the State Statistics Service of Ukraine has reported.
According to its data, in annual terms the growth of consumer prices accelerated to 15.9% in July from 15.6% in June, 13.5% in May and 12.2% in April.
The service said the main reason for the acceleration of inflation in July was the rise in prices for food and non-alcoholic beverages (by 0.3%), the highest rise (by 5.9% and 5.1%) in prices was recorded for lard, meat and meat products.
Since the beginning of this year inflation stood at 8.2%, the service said.
Consumer prices for food and non-alcoholic beverages in July increased by 0.3%. Prices of salo (fat), meat and meat products grew most of all (by 5.9% and 5.1%). Prices for rice, butter, bread and macaroni grew by 2.4-0.8%. At the same time, prices for eggs and vegetable fell significantly (by 9.2% and 9%), for buckwheat, fruit, sugar, fish and sunflower oil by 4.3-0.2%.
Prices of alcoholic drinks and tobacco products were increased by 1.6%, in particular for tobacco goods by 3.3%.
Prices of clothes and shoes fell by 4.4%, in particular shoes by 4.6% and clothes by 4.3%.
The growth in prices (tariffs) for housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels by 0.6% was mainly due to the increase in tariffs for maintenance of houses by 8.5%, sewerage by 1.4%, and water supply by 1.1%.
The prices for transport mainly did not change. The price of fuel and lubricants fell by 1.1% and transport services grew by 1.6%.