11:54 12.07.2017

Ukraine waiting for decision in WTO dispute with Russia over restriction of wagon imports in April 2018

2 min read
Ukraine waiting for decision in WTO dispute with Russia over restriction of wagon imports in April 2018

The second meeting of the arbiter panel to discuss the case initiated by Ukraine in the World Trade Organization (WTO) over Russia's ban to import of Ukrainian rolling stock, switches and other railway equipment is scheduled for November, Ukraine's Economic Development and Trade Ministry has reported.

"The final report of the arbiter panel in this case is expected in April 2018," the ministry said in a press release after the first meeting of the arbiter panel held on July 10 and July 11.

"Ukraine paid attention of the panel that Russia has not presented any counterarguments related to the complaint. This is clear evidence that Russia has used compliance procedures as a tool to prevent the import of Ukrainian railway products and block access of Ukrainian producers to the market," Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Ukraine's Trade Representative Natalia Mykolska said.

The ministry said that at the first meeting the Ukrainian and Russian delegations and third parties announced their oral statements and presented the responses to the additional questions to the panel.

Ukraine still insists that Russia had no grounds to restrict the imports in violation of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (GATT 1994) and the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement.