10:32 07.07.2017

EU sends EUR19 mln in grants for EBRD-managed Nuclear Safety Account

2 min read
EU sends EUR19 mln in grants for EBRD-managed Nuclear Safety Account

The European Union (EU) has made a EUR 19 million contribution to the Nuclear Safety Account (NSA), one of the nuclear safety funds managed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

The press service of the EBRD reported that the EU’s contribution is vital for the support of the Chornobyl spent nuclear fuel facility project, known as ISF-2.

Ukrainian Ecology and Natural Resources Minister Ostap Semerak took part in the meeting of the assembly of Chornobyl Shelter Fund donors on July 6.

"Today I am taking part in the traditionally important meeting of the Assembly of Chornobyl Shelter Fund donors in London. First in many years Chornobyl Shelter Fund Assembly members pointed out strengthening of Ukraine's position in environment safety and desire to complete the project, which is important for the entire European continent, as soon as possible and as better as possible," he wrote on his Facebook page late on Thursday.

The donor council members pointed out taking all financial and organization measures to implement the Shelter project in line with the approved plan and schedule.

"It is important that today we have approved the financing for designing the technical part of the project to dismantle unstable part of the Shelter facility, which has been staying under the new safe confinement since November 2016," Semerak said.

The Assembly decided to earmark funds to buy the required equipment for dismantling unstable parts over reactor four of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant (NPP).

"I again thank all members of the Chornobyl Shelter Fund Assembly donors for huge assistance in overcoming the aftermath of the Chornobyl disaster, understanding and solidarity showed by 28 partner countries for almost 30 years. I hope that our final Chornobyl Shelter Fund Assembly meeting will take place at the Chornobyl NPP in December 2017 as we planned. Ukraine would again confirm that it is a reliable partner in implementing global safety measures," the minister said.