09:57 17.11.2016

Cadaster service launches online service to approve land utilization projects

1 min read
Cadaster service launches online service to approve land utilization projects

Ukraine's State Service for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadaster jointly with the State Agency of E-Government has launched the online service to approve land utilization projects.

"Now one can submit documents to receive the approval of a land utilization project online via e.land.gov.ua within several minutes. Today the projects are approved with paying two visits to the public agencies, and the introduction of the service permits not to pay a first visit. The visit will be paid to take the documents after their approval," the press service of the Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities Economy Ministry said.

According to the report, the system would accept orders for approving the land utilization projects and automatically distribute them among experts.

"Thanks to automation and 'blind' distribution of documents among executors, transparency and effectiveness of the process is considerably improved," the ministry said.

The project was implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaftfür Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH under an order of the German government and support of Reform of Municipal Services in Eastern Ukraine Project.

The press service said that annually Ukrainians approve over 500,000 land utilization projects.