Pilot project of online land registration launched in Ukraine

A new electronic service of online land registration has been launched in a test mode in Kyiv and Kyiv region.
According to the website of the Cabinet of Ministers, the service of online land plot registration will start work in Ukraine from January 1, 2017.
Currently the registration requires two visits to state authorities, while the introduction of the electronic service will allow to exclude the first visit, it will be only needed to receive documents after registration of land.
"The new electronic service creates favorable conditions for land relations. It saves the time and efforts of citizens, makes the registration process transparent, eliminates subjective factors in registration of land and contributes to the creation of a fair land market," First Deputy Minister of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine Maksym Martyniuk said.
Documents for land registration can be submitted online through e.land.gov.ua.
Every year Ukrainians record more than 500,000 land plots.