Ukraine imports 7.8 mln tonnes of coal for $678 mln in H1, 2016

Ukraine in January-June 2016 imported coal and anthracite (foreign activity code 2701) in the amount of $678.202 million, in particular in June for $102.091 million.
According to the State Fiscal Service, the Russian Federation delivered coal for $446.269 million, the United States for $95.933 million, Australia for $43.28 million, other countries for $92.72 million.
The total volume of coal delivered to the country in the six months of this year amounted to 7.779 million tonnes.
In January-June 2016 Ukraine exported 286,935 tonnes of coal and anthracite for $23.054 million, in particular to Slovakia for $12.999 million, Russia for $4.694 million, Turkey for $3.604 million and other countries for $1.758 million.
As reported, in 2015 Ukraine imported 14.598 million tonnes of coal and anthracite in the amount of $1.632 billion, in particular Russia supplied coal worth $771.317 million, the United States for $399.247 million, Kazakhstan for $123.684 million, other countries for $338.229 million.