12:21 27.04.2016

Fiscal service: Medicine imports under agreement with intl procurement organizations exempt from VAT

1 min read
Fiscal service: Medicine imports under agreement with intl procurement organizations exempt from VAT

Imports of medicines and medical products to Ukraine, carried out on the basis of agreements with specialized international procurement organizations, are exempt from VAT, the press service of the Health Ministry has said, with reference to the State Fiscal Service.

The Ministry of Health stressed that the Tax Code of Ukraine temporarily, until March 31, 2019, releases from VAT, in particular, operations on imports to the customs territory of medicines, medical devices recorded in the state register of medical equipment and products and/or put into circulation in compliance with the legislation in the field of technical regulations and conformity assessment, and operations on the first delivery of such medical goods and medicines in the customs territory of Ukraine.

"Exemption from VAT is applied if imports are carried out on the basis of contracts with specialized organizations engaged in procurement, the list of which is stipulated in law No. 1197," the ministry said.

The list of drugs and medical goods purchased by international organizations that are exempt from VAT is defined by the Cabinet.