15:33 27.01.2016

Fiscal Service to pay off all debts on VAT refunds in 2016

1 min read
Fiscal Service to pay off all debts on VAT refunds in 2016

The State Fiscal Service of Ukraine plans in 2016 to repay all the debts on VAT refunds and compensate for all the sums of VAT claimed by companies, service head Roman Nasirov has told reporters at a press conference.

"In 2016 we will reimburse for VAT on time under the Tax Code and we won't have overdue amounts for compensation," he said.

According to Nasirov, on January 1, 2016 the debt on VAT refunds amounted to UAH 12 billion, whereas at the beginning of last year it was UAH 22 billion.

The official noted that in 2015 the Fiscal Service compensated for UAH 10 billion over the target, i.e. in general it repaid UAH 68.4 billion.

"In 2016 we plan to reimburse for UAH 100 billion," he said.