14:42 30.10.2015

Ukrainian govt to replace up to 7.2 bcm of gas a year thanks to bio-energy – national plan

1 min read

The Ukrainian government plans to replace up to 7.2 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas a year thanks to bio-energy.

"The National Action Plan on sustainable energy projects the replacement of up to 7.2 bcm of natural gas a year thanks to the realization of the potential of bio-energy. It is planned to build pellet and biofuel-consuming boiler plant and cooperate in production of next generation bioethanol," the Ukrainian government tweeted late on Thursday.

The government said that "these are ambitious plans and Ukraine badly needs foreign investment and advanced technologies to realize them."

The government said that the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine has applied to the UN Development Program (UNDP) about the issue.