Cabinet equals electronic, paper property registration documents in Ukraine

State registrar decisions, extracts and the certificates of ownership rights to immovable property can be received electronically or via paper documents from April 1.
The requirement is stipulated in cabinet resolution No. 137 of March 18, posted on the government's website.
According to the resolution, it will take effect from April 1, 2015, but no earlier than before the law on amendments to some Ukrainian laws regarding the relaxation of the conditions for doing business (specifically deregulation, the bill was sent to the president on March 24) takes effect.
The government also amended the procedure for retaining the state register of ownership rights to immovable property approved by cabinet resolution No. 1141 of October 26, 2011.
Officials of local self-government agencies, administrators of centers providing administrative services and notaries have the power to accept and issue documents concerning the state register of ownership rights to immovable property.
The new procedure foresees the issue of registration documents in paper or electronic form (as an option for applicants) directly in the registration agencies, or by sending them to a postal address or e-mail. The applicant must their preference in their application.
If applicants express their preference for receiving registration documents electronically, the paper form will not be issued