Economy ministry notes positive change in Ukraine's foreign trade in Jan-Sept

The Economic Development and Trade Ministry of Ukraine has noted a positive trend in Ukraine's foreign trade: the surplus of Ukraine's foreign trade in January-September 2014 reached $803 million, while during the same period in 2013 foreign trade saw a deficit of $9.7 billion.
"Ukraine's trade balance is positive. In January-September 2013, our State Statistics Service registered a deficit of $9.7 billion in foreign trade, while in January-September 2014 the surplus was $803 million," the head of the export development department at the Economic Development and Trade Ministry Oleksandr Hromov said at the forum entitled "Customs System of Ukraine. Reloading" in Kyiv on Friday, December 12.
He said that in 2013, the country saw managed to improve the deficit of trade with Germany, China, Russia, the United States and Poland, whilst improving its trade surplus with Egypt, India, Italy, Spain and Turkey.
"The positive shift in the balance of foreign trade was due to the hryvnia exchange rate fluctuating, and to a large reduction in imports, reaching over 25%, along with a slower fall in exports, being minus 8%," Hromov said.
He said that these trends force Ukraine to intensify the search for new markets for its national products.