Cabinet action plan foresees housing construction, issue of cheap credits to constructors and buyers

The coalition agreement foreseeing housing construction and reconstruction under new standards and the increase of its energy efficiency thank to the implementation of alternative energy projects is an integral part of the government action plan, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk has said.
"Actually, this is the top-priority of the government. However, we have another problem. What is housing construction? If someone builds it, someone should have money to build. The banking sector and the crediting system are in the extremely difficult state. The issue of issuing a cheap credit both to constructors and potential buyers is on the agenda," he said.
He said that at present, the construction market stands still, and the situation will not change until hostilities continue and until private investors arrive to Ukraine.
"Private investors will come only when we realize a program of complicated, but required, economic reforms. Housing construction is foreseen in the program, the only thing left is to realize it," he added.