Parliament decides not to facilitate state registration of ownership rights to inherited property
The Ukrainian parliament has not supported a draft law on the facilitation of a procedure for the state registration of ownership rights to property without the preliminary state registration of property to the heir.
Draft law No. 2347A of June 18, 2013 was supported by only 202 out of 275 lawmakers registered in the session hall on Tuesday, May 13.
According to the explanatory note to the document, it is proposed that the state registration of ownership rights to property to heirs only in cases if earlier the ownership rights were registered in the state register of ownership rights to property.
The document also proposes introducing a requirement, under which heirs can submit application on the state registration if owner of a land plot in private ownership dies.
The authors of the bill are MPs Denys Omelianovych and Serhiy Melnyk (Party of Regions).